We have already Given a Brief on Mandatory Labelling Guidelines RULE 148 which can be Read on Mandatory Declarations to be made on Products.
Regulatory is Evolving and so does the Regulator himself.Since 2013 when the regulation came into Place the Department has been notifying Various Amendments and inclusions in Documentary processes such as Non animal Declarations, Heavy metal, Microbeads Declaration and many more. Similar to such Changes CDSCO has been on its toes to avoid False or Misleading Claims.
As per RULE 148 B– Prohibition against false or misleading claims :- No cosmetic may purport or claim to purport or convey any idea which is false or misleading to the intending user.
Over the Past couple of Years CDSCO has been Keen on checking the Claims Made by Companies on the Registration Applications.
NKG Insight:
– There has been no Information issued in Public Domain on the Objected or restricted words for claims Cosmetics. Labels containing phrases that may appear to attract the definition of the drug Such as Cellular Renewal, Acne, Antiseptic, Antibacterial or Treatment if any Disease or Disorder, Drugs Facts on SunScreen or any other types of Products are not approved by CDSCO. These Claims must be removed from the Product labels for Approval of Application.
– In Addition to the above, Cosmetic products are Packaged Commodities, therefore they are also regulated under the Legal Metrology (PACKAGED COMMODITIES) Rules 2011. Various aspects of India specific labelling & mandatory declarations need to be followed on the product labels before the products are placed on the Indian Markets.Cosmetic Products have to follow the mandatory declarations on label requirements as per both the Drugs & Cosmetics Act as well as the Legal Metrology (PACKAGED COMMODITIES) Rules 2011.
Cosmetic and Drug are defined separately under Section 3 in Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. Products having drug claim do not come under the definition of cosmetic as per the Act and therefore cannot be considered for registration as cosmetic.
At NKG We Screen label and Validate the labels so that all such Requirements can be met. NKG has designed bespoke labeling compliance services. Years of expereince and deepn uinderstanding of the framework of the law helps NKG experts to suggest exhaustive pointers which can be used to make correct India Specific labels. Incorrect labelling can lead to compliance issues thereby posing a risk to business of a brand as well as image of a company.
NKG Has assisted More than 2000 Brands and Registered more than Half a Million Skus and NKG Experts has a Clear Overview of the Claims accepted by the Department.
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NKG has a Dedicated and Efficient team of experienced regulatory professionals who have Registered more than 2000 brands until now who can help you Plan your regulatory needs and smoothen the process for Regulatory approvals. Strategically located in New Delhi, the “regulatory “ capital of India, NKG makes a head start by following its unique time tested “Step-by- Step “ process that puts a lot of method in between the madness.