What are the Labelling guidelines as per CDCSO?

The labeling requirements for cosmetic products in India are specified in the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945, under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. The key labeling guidelines are as follows:

  1. Name of the Cosmetic: The label must prominently display the name of the cosmetic product.
  2. Manufacturer’s Details: The label must include the name and complete address of the manufacturer or the company for which the cosmetic is manufactured.
  3. Batch Number or Lot Number: Each package of the cosmetic must be labeled with a distinct batch number or lot number to facilitate traceability.
  4. Date of Manufacturing: The date of manufacturing or the month and year of manufacturing must be clearly mentioned on the label.
  5. Use By or Expiry Date: If the cosmetic has a shelf life of less than 30 months, the use-by or expiry date must be mentioned on the label.
  6. Ingredients List: The label must include a list of ingredients used in the cosmetic product in descending order of their concentration.
  7. Net Content: The net content or the net quantity of the cosmetic product must be clearly mentioned on the label.
  8. Cautionary Notes: Appropriate cautionary notes or warnings, if any, must be included on the label, especially for products that contain specific ingredients or are intended for specific uses.
  9. Import Information: For imported cosmetics, the label must include the name and complete address of the importer in India, along with the country of origin.
  10. Language: The labeling information must be provided in English or Hindi or any other language as may be specified by the licensing authority.

Additionally, the labeling must comply with other relevant provisions of the Drugs & Cosmetics Act and Rules, such as restrictions on claims, prohibited ingredients, and specific labeling requirements for certain categories of cosmetic products (e.g., hair dyes, toothpastes, fairness creams).

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