Definition of Weighing Scale
A device to measure weight or mass. These are also known as mass scales, weight scales, mass balances, weight balances, or simply scales, balances, or balance scales. In today’s trend mostly weighing scales are wireless and operate on Bluetooth technology.
Weighing Scale comes under the category of measuring instruments so, as per the Legal metrology act 2009, all weights and measures should be registered under the ministry of consumer protection and weight and measurement.
Measuring instruments include Weighing Scale, infrared Weighing Scales, B.P. Machine, Thermometers, Beam Scale etc..

Digital and Analog Weighing Scales etc. products has been mandated to be registered by Ministry of consumer protection and weight and measurement and wireless weighing scales cover under the scope of Department of Telecommunication (DOT).You can Read more in details about the applicable Rules and regulations in the link as under:
As per THE LEGAL METROLOGY (MODEL APPROVAL) RULES 2011, Registration of Importer, repairer, or Manufacturer is mandatory under the Model approval Rule 2011 With Legal Metrology wing under Ministry of Consumer affairs.
- Sharing Preliminary Information with NKG experts
The Importer / Manufacturer/Repairer of any Weight and Measures will share details of such products with NKG. - NKG experts to share regulatory documents
If the product comes under the scope of Legal Metrology (Model approval) 2011 and ETA approval, the NKG team will share the necessary checklist of documents with the client. - Application submission by NKG experts
After receiving executed documents, NKG will apply online/offline to the Central Legal Metrology Department and online in DOT. - Assigning of an officer in Headquarter
After receiving the application, the Central Legal Metrology Department will assign an officer to the case. - Testing by NABL lab
After receiving the sample, the lab test and verdict on the sample either pass or fail, if the sample will pass then process further. - Application processing in Headquarter
The officer will securitize all submitted documents. If the processing officer is not satisfied and needs further clarification, then he/she may ask further questions. - Grant of Approval
If the processing officer is satisfied with the answers, then he/she may grant the Certificate of Registration under A under the Legal Metrology (Model approval) Rules 2011
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