Testing Support at National Institute of Biologicals, NOIDA

regulatory services

National Institute of Biologicals (NIB) had been set up in 1992 as an apex autonomous Institute under the administrative control of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India for promoting and protecting human health through various activities assigned to it.

regulatory services

Testing Support at National Institute of Biologicals, NOIDA

National Institute of Biologicals (NIB) had been set up in 1992 as an apex autonomous Institute under the administrative control of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India for promoting and protecting human health through various activities assigned to it.

The mandate of the Institute includes ensuring provision of quality biological drugs i.e Invitro diagnostics, Vaccines and Biotherapeutics, including therapeutic monoclonal antibodies used by patients suffering from cancer and autoimmune diseases by undertaking high end science based testing with R&D interface for application of science. One of the main functions of the Institute, as per by-laws 3.5.8, is to undertake research, establish linkages and exchange personnel with different institutions in India and abroad for furtherance of its mandate.

Other subjects forming part of its mandate are 

  1. Developing and validating standards for quality control testing; 
  2. Developing linkages with other National/ International institutions and keep abreast with worldwide scientific research and technological developments; 
  3. Providing training facilities in quality control of biological; 
  4. Assessing from time to time the availability of qualified manpower; and 
  5. Implementing and co-ordinating activities of Haemovigilance Programme of India.

how can we help

NKG experts have a good track record and sound experience in understanding the steps and processes of successful submission of samples to NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICALS NOIDA  as well as efficient tracking of testing procedure and issuance of test reports.

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NKG has a Dedicated and Efficient team of experienced regulatory professionals who have Registered more than 2000 brands until now who can help you Plan your regulatory needs and smoothen the process for Regulatory approvals. Strategically located in New Delhi, the “regulatory “ capital of India, NKG makes a head start by following its unique time tested “Step-by- Step “ process that puts a lot of method in between the madness.