One of the important and mandatory documents required during registration of imported cosmetics is Certificate of Analysis.
The Certificate of Analysis of all products have to be submitted to the Cosmetic division of CDSCO as part of regulatory dossier accompanying application for registration of cosmetics.
Cosmetic Products have to comply with the specifications prescribed under Schedule S and Schedule Q or any other standard of quality and safety of CDSCO & BIS from time to time . No cosmetic shall be imported unless it complies with the specifications prescribed under Schedule S and Schedule Q or any other standards of quality and safety applicable to it, and other provisions under the rules.
Schedule S: Finished products specific standards as per Bureau of Indian Standards. The following cosmetics in finished form shall conform to the Indian Standards specifications laid down from time to time by BIS (+30) Skin Powders. / Skin Powder for infants./ Tooth Powder./ Toothpaste./ Skin Creams. / Hair Oils. /Shampoo, Soap-based. / Shampoo, Synthetic-Detergent based. / Hair Creams. / Oxidation hair dyes, Liquid. / Cologne./ Nail Polish (Nail Enamel). / After Shave Lotion. / Pomades and Brilliantines. / Depilatories Chemical. / Shaving Creams. / Cosmetic Pencils. / Lipstick. / Toilet Soap. / Liquid Toilet Soap./ Baby Toilet Soap. / Shaving Soap. / Transparent Toilet Soap./ Lipsalve / Powder Hair Dye / Bindi (Liquid). / Kum Kum Powder / Henna Powder …etc.
In order to assist its clients, NKG has partnered with respectable NABL approved laboratories so that the testing of products and generation of Certificate of Analysis can be carried out as per standards specified in the Bureau of Indian Standards.
NKG partner laboratories are carefully selected by NKG, well qualified , have necessary government acceredations, and provide preferential pricing to NKG clients because of the long term relationship of NKG and such laboratories.
- Artwork creation services (coming soon)
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NKG has a Dedicated and Efficient team of experienced regulatory professionals who have Registered more than 2000 brands until now who can help you Plan your regulatory needs and smoothen the process for Regulatory approvals. Strategically located in New Delhi, the “regulatory “ capital of India, NKG makes a head start by following its unique time tested “Step-by- Step “ process that puts a lot of method in between the madness.