Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
regulatory services
NKG Provides Consulting Services for Recognition under Department of Scientific & Industrial research to Help companies apply for Tax Benefits by having In house recognitions.

NKG Provides Consulting Services for Recognition under Department of Scientific & Industrial research to Help companies apply for Tax Benefits by having In house recognitions.
The primary endeavor of DSIR is to promote R&D by the industries, support a larger cross section of small and medium industrial units to develop state-of-the art globally competitive technologies of high commercial potential, catalyze faster commercialization of lab-scale R&D, enhance the share of technology intensive exports in overall exports, strengthen industrial consultancy & technology management capabilities and establish user friendly information network to facilitate scientific and industrial research in the country.
In order to encourage R&D initiatives by industry, and to make R&D an attractive proposition, the Finance Bill 1997 introduced a sub-section (2AB) in Section 35 of the IT Act 1961. Amended text of this subsection can be seen at Annexure-I of these guidelines. This subsection provides for weighted tax deduction of a sum equal to two times of any expenditure incurred on scientific research (not being expenditure in the nature of cost of any land or building) in certain areas specified by section 35(2AB) of IT Act, by companies on in-house R&D centres, approved by the ‘Prescribed Authority’.
Where a company engaged in the business of bio-technology or in any business of manufacture or production of any article or thing, not being an article or thing specified in the list of the Eleventh Schedule] incurs any expenditure on scientific research (not being expenditure in the nature of cost of any land or building) on in-house research and development facility as approved by the prescribed authority, then, there shall be allowed a deduction of a sum equal to [two] times of the expenditure so incurred.
Secretary, DSIR has been designated as the ‘Prescribed Authority’ for purposes of Section 35(2AB) of I.T. Act, as per rule 6(1B), inserted vide Government of India, Department of Revenue’ Notification S.O 259(E) dated 27th March 1998 (fifth amendment rules), effective from 1st day of April 1998.
Companies having In-house R&D centers, which satisfy the following conditions, are eligible to apply for approval of the ‘Prescribed Authority’:
Application to DSIR has to be submitted Online on the portal and In Hard copy at DSIR , New Delhi for approval in Form 3CM and Submission of Report in Form 3CL.
After successful submission of online application send one set of hard copy (PDF, generated by the system) signed by the MD/whole-time Director of the company to DSIR along with all uploaded annexures
Report in Form 3CL has to be submitted by 31st October of each succeeding year of approved period.
NKG experts have a good track record and sound experience in understanding the steps and processes of successful submission and approval of Applications with DSIR as well as efficient tracking of testing procedure and issuance of test reports.
NKG keeps in Close communications with various Trade Commissions, Business Chambers, embassies of many countries on various existing & new Rules & Regulations of government of India
NKG has a Dedicated and Efficient team of experienced regulatory professionals who have Registered more than 2000 brands until now who can help you Plan your regulatory needs and smoothen the process for Regulatory approvals. Strategically located in New Delhi, the “regulatory “ capital of India, NKG makes a head start by following its unique time tested “Step-by- Step “ process that puts a lot of method in between the madness.